We provide a nationwide bio-CNG station portfolio

Learn more about (bio-)CNG and SEFE Mobility

We offer tailor-made bio-CNG supply solutions

About SEFE Mobility GmbH

SEFE Mobility GmbH as a 100% subsidiary of the German state owned SEFE Securing Energy for Europe GmbH is fully committed to gas mobility as an international provider of clean fuels which aims to reduce harmful emissions with affordable costs.  Therefore, we develop, build, finance, maintain, operate and service public and private filling stations for refueling trucks, buses and cars with bio-CNG. Together with our strategic partners we have the experience, knowledge and resources for contributing to environmentally friendly mobility in Europe and make sustainable fuels made from biomethane available and affordable today.

We know what we're talking about, because SEFE Mobility belongs to one of largest CNG filling station operators in Germany and in the Czech Republic. At more than 50 public filling stations, our range of products and services helps to reliably supply our customers with bio-CNG and reduce the environmental impact of carbon dioxide, soot particles and nitrogen oxides in the transport sector since more than 15 years.

Currently we provide bio-CNG to our customers at 15 CNG stations throughout the Czech Republic and we are looking forward to increase our portfolio even further.

More about SEFE Mobility GmbH

What is (Bio-) CNG?

CNG is an abbreviation for Compressed Natural Gas. Natural gas is available in the gas network in Europe and the Czech Republic and is mainly used to produce heat and electricity. When we speak about bio-CNG we mean renewable natural gas and considering biomethane mainly produced from organic matter (mainly waste) and synthetic methane by the Power-to-Gas (P2G) technology as an underlying commodity for the CNG production which is already now available in a lot of European countries. For transport purposes, natural gas/biomethane must be compressed 200 times in terms of energy concentration using high-pressure compressors. Even after compression, (bio-)CNG remains in gaseous form, stored in high security gas tank at the filling station and in the vehicle. 

In Europe exists currently more than 1.3 million Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) and a station network of approx. 4800 (bio-)CNG and (bio-)LNG (liquefied natural gas) stations. CNG and LNG, especialy by using biomethane have a huge potential to reduces emissions in the mobility sector and it is expected to have an important role for the transition towards a climate neural continent. CNG and LNG vehicles can reduce CO2 emissions in the mobility sector quickly and at low cost. Due to the fact that Natural Gas it contains mainly methane, it has the smallest share of CO2 per unit of energy released during combustion compared to other fossil fuels and provides 25% less CO2-emissions than Gasoline and -15% compared with Diesel vehicles. Furthermore, CNG can be fully or partially produced with biomethane or synthetic gases which reduces the CO2 emissions even further. Thus CNG is considered an ecological fuel.

The Czech gas mobility market with a significant growth development of CNG filling stations provides the Czech customers today with one of the highest density of CNG stations in Europe.

Development of CNG stations and vehicles in the Czech Republic

Our filling stations in the Czech Republic

SEFE Mobility operates currently 16 bio-CNG filling stations throughout the Czech Republic.

  • Conveniently located sites on public petrol stations or easy accessible stand-alone stations with most of them operating 24 hours / 7 days
  • Electronic payment offering with acceptance of banking cards, fleet cards and CNG card
  • High reliability through optimized service and long-lasting experience with solely use of solid and proven station technology and intelligent telemetry system
  • Competitive pricing with reliable price advantages compared to gasoline and diesel due to higher energy efficiency of (bio-)CNG tailored pricing and discount schemes (major customer discounts already available with a demand of 50 kg per week - contact us)

Our CNG stations in the Czech Republic


Opavská 26/8, Brno

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00

České Budějovice

Strakonická 2902, České Budějovice

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00


J. Opletala 2282, Frýdek-Místek

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00

Hradec Králové

Kladská 1082, Hradec Králové

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00


Plynárenská 824, Kolín

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00

Králův Dvůr u Berouna

Pod Dálnicí 326, Králův Dvůr u Berouna

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00


Třebovská, Mohelnice

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00


Dělnická 34, Most

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00


Lipenská 52, Olomouc

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00


Bruntálská 683/6, Opava

Po-Ne: 05:00 - 22:00


Bohumínská, Ostrava

Po-Ne: 05:00 - 22:00


D1 stanice OMV, Pávov

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00

Praha 5 Jinonice

Radlická 629/222, Praha 5 Jinonice

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00

Praha 6

Pod Paťankou 1, Praha 6

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00


Dvorská 2347/23, Zábřeh

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00


Zdiby, Zdiby

Po-Ne: 00:00 - 24:00

What do we offer?

SEFE Mobility offers its partners and customers a wide range of products and services within the operation of (bio-)CNG filling stations. From (bio-)CNG station design consultancy until the possibility of payment by own fuel cards for (bio-)CNG filling. The main benefits for corporate customers include cashless payments at all our stations and the issuance of monthly invoices with a complete list of all customer activities. In addition, SEFE Mobility offers a discount program for monthly filling of (bio-)CNG at its stations, depending on the amount of refueling (major customer discounts already available with a CNG demand of 50 kg per week).

SEFE Mobility always focuses on extending and optimizing its network of (bio-)CNG stations. In order to provide its customers with an infrastructure adapted to their needs, SEFE Mobility analyzes and implements not only the construction of new filling stations, but also the acquisition of existing ones from other operators or their relocation.

Our product range includes various technologies and filling station types, such as fuel dispensers integrated into conventional fuel filling stations as well as stand-alone filling stations specially designed for (bio-)CNG and mobile filling stations. SEFE Mobility manages both public (bio-)CNG filling stations and private  stations built exclusively for major customers, fleet operators, transport companies and logistics firms. 

Extract of our product and service offering:

  • Construction and operation of new (bio-)CNG filling stations (private and public)
  • Takeover or relocation of third party filling stations
  • Total cost ownership analyses (incl. route planning for fleet customers)
  • Individual price analysis and flexible pricing schemes
  • Digital monthly billing via fleet cards
  • Marketing measures like participation in loyalty card system (e.g. MOL customer card)

If you're interested, please contact us!